Booking & Fees
Fees as of 1st January 2025
Private / MHCP
Regd Psychologist $230.00 (+GST if applicable) Standard Individual Private/MHCP Psychological Consultation (50mins)*
Regd Counsellor $135.00 (+GST if applicable) Standard Individual Consultation (50mins)
Regd Social Worker $200.00 (+GST if applicable) Standard Individual Consultation (50mins)
Bulk Billing NoT Available
Regd Psychologist $260.00 (+GST if applicable) Standard Couples Psychological Consultation (50mins)
Regd Counsellor $210.00 (+GST if applicable) Standard Couples Psychological Consultation (50mins)
$260.00 (+GST if applicable) Standard Sexological Consultation (50mins)
As per WorkCover WA rates - Standard Individual Insurance Consultation (50mins)* (Reports as per APS rates)
As Per NDIS rates - Standard Individual NDIS Consultation (50mins)
EAP - Please check rates with Office
(*APS recommended rates to 30 June 2024 $300.00 p/hr)
If you have a Mental Health Care Plan referral you may be entitled to a Medicare rebate ($96.65) for registered psychologists as of 01/07/24) or $(85.20) for an Accredited Social Worker.
Some private health funds also offer rebates for Psychological services – Please check with your provider.
At time the time of booking your initial consultation your credit card details may be required in order to hold your appointment. This card will be charged if less than 24 hours notice is given for a cancelled or unattended appointment.
For our Mandurah Service Agreement document - Click here