Resources & Links


Dementia Australia

Alzheimer Australia WA was formed 20 years ago as the nation’s first support group for people with dementia and carers. Support includes counselling, information, education and respite services.

Helping Minds Arafmi

Association for Relatives & Friends of the Mentally Ill
Mutual support groups for relatives and friends of people with mental or emotional health

ACT Mental Health Consumer Network

An organisation run by consumers for consumers whose aim is to bring about a higher standard of health care in the mental health sector, through representation, lobbying and active involvement in new developments in the mental health sector.


A national, independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders in Australia.


BluePagesTM is a web-based program providing information on the symptoms of depression, how it is diagnosed and which medical, psychological and alternative treatments work for depression.

Carers Association of Western Australia

Carers WA is a non-profit community based organisation and registered charity dedicated to improving the lives of family Carers living in WA. Services offered include counselling, carer participation & representation, education & training, social support, young carers and hospital program.

Western Australian Children of Parents with Mental Illness (COPMI) Project

Aim of COPMI is to promote better mental health outcomes for children (0-18) year by providing information for family members where a parent has a mental illness and for people who care for and work with them. Information on WACOPMI located under programs on the COPMI website.

Department of Health & Ageing

The Australian Government Department of Health & Ageing seeks to provide better health and healthier ageing for all Australians through a world class health system. Services include information on ageing, mental health, support programs and publications for those at risk, their families and carers.

Grow Western Australia

Grow is a community of persons working towards mental health through mutual help and a 12 Step Program of recovery. Small groups of people who have experienced depression, anxiety or other mental or emotional distress, meet together on a weekly basis to help each other deal with the challenges of life.

Life in Mind Australia

The Living is for Everyone (LIFE) website is a world-class suicide and self-harm prevention resource. Dedicated to providing the best available evidence and resource to guide activities aimed at reducing the rate at which people take their lives in Australia – the LIFE website is designed for people across the community who are involved in suicide and self-harm prevention activities.

Lifeline WA 

Lifeline WA is a non-profit Christian based organisation located in Perth with specialist services including 24 hour crisis state-wide telephone counselling; individuals, couples & family counselling; Dads@Lifeline – specialist support to fathers and their children after separation or bereavement; Lifeline LivingWorks Suicide Intervention Training. There are also two sub centres Lifeline Pilbara – Karratha and Lifeline Peel – Mandurah.

Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH)

WAAMH is the peak mental health representative body in WA for non government not for profit agencies. Services in the mental health sector include organisation representation, develop and influence policy, advocate for the interests of people affected by mental illness, assist in the development of the non-government sector and community education.

Mental Health Council of Australia (MHCA)

The MHCA is involved in a range of different activities designed to improve both knowledge of mental health in Australia and the services available to those in need. The MHCA aims to promote mentally healthy communities; conduct research into and educate Australians on mental health issues and reform Australia’s mental health system.

Mental Illness Fellowship of Western Australia (MIFWA)

MIFWA is an independent, non government, not for profit organisation that seeks to enhance the quality of life for people with a mental illness, their families and carers. It aims to raise community awareness of the needs of people with mental illness as well as reduce stigma associated with the illness. MIFWA offers information and referral services, carers & family service and, consumer support service through its Lorikeet Centre.
MIFWA is part of the national family known as Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia (MIFA).

MoodGYM Training Program

A free self help program to teach cognitive behaviour therapy skills to people vulnerable to depression and anxiety. The information provided throughout MoodGYM is intended for information purposes only. The site is not designed to treat depression, anxiety or other mental health disorders. People seeking a diagnosis or treatment of depression, anxiety or other mental disorders should consult a medical practitioner or mental health professional.

National 24 hour help line sites

Kids help line
Just Look (referral information)

Protection For Life

A Guide To Suicide Prevention
Here you will learn about suicide awareness, recognizing signs of suicidal behaviors, and ways to prevent it.

Sane Australia

SANE Australia is a national charity working for a better life for people affected by mental illness through campaigns, education and research.

Suicide Prevention

A voluntary and anonymous telephone suicide prevention service that offers free advice from a clinical psychiatrist on dealing with suicidal thoughts.


Black Dog Institute

The Black Dog Institute is dedicated to understanding, preventing and treating mental illness. We are about creating a world where mental illness is treated with the same level of concern, immediacy and seriousness as physical illness; where scientists work to discover the causes of illness and new treatments, and where discoveries are immediately put into practice through health services, technology and community education.

Resources for Perimenopause and Beyond Click Here